War in Ukraine -Forces Destroy Russian Military Hardware, Tanks, Civilians Driving Through Minefield

Video footage released by the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense shows Ukrainian Special Forces destroying the leftovers of Russian military hardware after fighting somewhere in the country. The soldiers are seen disabling the vehicles with small portable rocket launchers and explosives causing a relatively large explosion and ammunition cook-off.
 According to the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense, the vehicles were abandoned after Ukrainian forces attacked the Russian troops who then fled into the nearby woods leaving their vehicles behind. According to reports based on photo and video evidence Russia already lost about 342 tanks and about over 560 armored vehicles since the beginning of the war. ➡Drone footage released by Ukrainian Forces shows a number of Russian tanks being destroyed by accurate hits of Ukrainian 120 mm mortar strike in an undisclosed location. From observing the footage it seems that at least 4-6 Russian tanks and armored vehicles were destroyed by the strikes some of them got hit while moving. 
 The first tank struck by Ukrainian mortar fire appears to have been the lead vehicle. After a crewmember presumably the gunner bailed out the driver of the tank still managed to drive the vehicle to the side of the road so that the other vehicles would not be blocked by it and become an easy target for further strikes. However, the second part of the video shows exactly what happened with the other tanks. SUBSCRIBE to the Begha Blog If you like military content please remember to leave a Like & Comment or even Share the video. It means a lot. Thanks!

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