File sharing super fast feature Samsung Galaxy - सुपरफास्ट फिचर फाइल शेयर गर्ने

 There are dozens of applications for sharing files from mobile. Some are so popular that they have been downloaded millions of times. But if you are running Samsung Galaxy Fan, you do not need to install any app for file sharing. Because the QuickShare inbuilt on Galaxy Fan is the fastest, quickest and safest.

File sharing super fast feature Samsung Galaxy -  सुपरफास्ट फिचर फाइल शेयर गर्ने

File sharing super fast feature Samsung Galaxy

Samsung quick share app

Quick Share is a file-sharing service provided by Samsung for its mobile phone users, which allows them to transfer photos, videos, or other files from one Galaxy phone to another in a short time. The file transfer technology was slow, and the other was not very secure and reliable.

When installing various third-party apps on mobile, one occupies the storage. Another such app shows a lot of ads. At the same time, there is a high possibility of various malware entering the mobile, along with the risk of mobile hacking.

So to make the file sharing service fast, secure and reliable, Samsung has provided a Quick Share tool inbuilt into Galaxy Fans. For which no internet is required.

File sharing is done with the help of Wi-Fi Direct. This means that even if WiFi is not connected, both phones must have Wi-Fi. This service is very easy to get.

fast file transfer app

If you look in the Quick panel, you can see Quick Share there. If you do not find it here, you can set it in the Quick panel by clicking on the + Icon and dragging the Quick Share Button.

Let's share the file now. Turn on both Quick Share of Galaxy Fan to send and receive files to exchange. A long presses there will open the settings page. Only the people in contact or anyone can be allowed to select the option to share the file. Below that is the option to edit the phone name.

Now, from the phone from which the file is to be sent, go to the phone's gallery My Files and select the Photo, Video file, or folder you want to share. Immediately below the share icon appears. If you click on it, you will see various options for file sharing.

Best file sharing

To share files from Galaxy Fan to Galaxy Phone, select Quick Share. If you want to share files on other Android phones, you do not need to install a third-party app.

Because most Android phones have the Nearby Share feature inbuilt. It is also safe with Fast. I share files from both file-sharing apps and check which ones are faster.

File sharing super fast feature Samsung Galaxy -  सुपरफास्ट फिचर फाइल शेयर गर्ने

File sharing super fast feature Samsung Galaxy -  सुपरफास्ट फिचर फाइल शेयर गर्ने

The size of the file I am about to share is 1 GB. To move it to another mobile, I selected Quick Share. Now, this phone is looking for another phone nearby for file sharing.

Another nearby phone has Quick Share on and If Everyone is selected in Settings then the name of that phone appears here.

When the name of the phone appears here, after selecting the phone to which the file is being sent, file sharing should be allowed from that phone. Now let's start the timer too because, with that, the work of file sharing starts.

The result

It took 1 minute 15 seconds to transfer about 1 GB of files from Galaxy to Galaxy Phone via Quick Share. Now let's lose this file from Nearby share by sharing it on another Galaxy phone.

The result

It took 1 minute 36 seconds to transfer this file from Galaxy Phone to another Android Phone via Nearby Share. Looking at it this way, Quick Share can still work Quick to share files on Galaxy to Galaxy Phone. From Galaxy phones to other Android phones that do not have Quick Share, it is appropriate to use Nearby Share. Quick Share is superfast for transferring files from Galaxy Phone to Galaxy Phone.

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