

Tribhuvan University requests to fill online form for the Covid-19 vaccine

 Tribhuvan University requests to fill online form for the Covid-19 vaccine: Tribhuvan University has asked its faculty, staff, and students to fill up the form for the Covid-19 vaccine online.

Tribhuvan University requests to fill online form for the Covid-19 vaccine

 Tribhuvan University requests to fill online form for the Covid-19 vaccine

The university has urged all to fill the form through the online system provided by the government saying that they should be protected from the Kovid 19 epidemic.

All concerned persons within the university who have not received the first and second dose in the past are asked to go to the Ministry of Health and Population web page: and fill in their details.

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The government, foreign loans, and grants will also be taken by spending Rs 100 billion on software development and purchase

Tribhuvan University requests to fill online form for the Covid-19 vaccine

The government is going to spend Rs. 1.25 billion for the development and purchase of computer software in the coming fiscal year 2078/79.

Presenting the budget for the coming year on Saturday, Finance Minister Bishnu Poudel has allocated computer software construction and purchase expenses in the budget under other capital expenditures. Accordingly, Rs 1.25 billion is to be spent in the coming year.

It is estimated that only Rs. 937 million will be spent on such titles in the current fiscal year. While in the previous year, such expenditure was zero.

The government will raise Rs 1.10 billion from its own resources to manufacture and purchase computer software and Rs 87.3 million through foreign grants. Similarly, the remaining Rs 64 million is planned to be spent on foreign loans.
On the other hand, the government has estimated to spend Rs. 236.8 million for the operation of government information systems and software through the budget. The Finance Minister has allocated the amount under the heading of information system and software operation expenses.

As per the budget, such expenditure is estimated to be Rs. 228.4 million in the current fiscal year as compared to Rs. 143.3 million in the previous year.

The government itself will spend Rs. 206.6 million on the expenditure under the same heading in the coming year, Rs. 17 million through foreign grants. 195 million under loan assistance.

The government has allocated information system and software operation expenses under consulting and other service charges.

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